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SOY BEAN MILK - Instant Powder ( BEE POLLEN ) BEE + Plus 69
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Last Updated: | Jun. 16, 2009 | |
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Soy Bean - A Real Health Nutricion Benefits of soy There is no denying that soy has many health benefits. These health benefits are mainly coming form the quality of the soy proteins and form the isoflavones genistein and daidzein. These are the main health benefits of soy: Soy improves bone health Soy products, such as soy milk, do not contain a lot of calcium but the soy isoflavones may help to reduce the osteoporosis risk. Several studies have suggested that soy isoflavones may be a factor in helping to prevent bone loss. The isoflavone genistein seems to inhibit bone breakdown and may have similar effects than estrogens in maintaining bone tissue. Soy can also indirectly improve bone health. Diets which are high in animal protein cause more calcium to be excreted in the urine. Replacing animal protein with soy protein may help to prevent calcium loss from the bones. Soy relieves menopausal symptoms Epidemiological data show that Asian women suffer less from hot flashes and night sweats compared to Western women. These symptoms of menopause are caused by low estrogen levels. Estrogens play a role in the body temperature control. Soy isoflavones can through their estrogen-like effect control these menopausal symptoms.Soy reduces risk for heart diseases In countries were soy products are ingested regularly, the rates of cardiovascular diseases is low. Research suggests that soy may help to prevent heart disease by reducing total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and preventing plaque buildup in the arteries, which could lead to stroke or heart attack. These health benefits are also mainly attributes to the soy isoflavones. The soy isoflavone genistein may also increase the flexibility of blood vessels.Soy helps to prevent certain cancers Several studies have indicated that a regular intake of soy foods may help to prevent hormone related cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer.Soy is very nutritive Soy products such as tofu, tempeh and soy milk are very rich in protein. This protein is of very high quality because it contains all essential amino acids. The amino acids of soy combine very well with the amino acids of cereals. The soy protein is therefore very important for vegans. Soy is a good source of lecithin and vitamin E. These natural antioxidants prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Soy is rich in magnesium, which plays an important function for the bones, heart and arteries. Soy milk may have originated in China, [ 1] a region where soybean was native and used as food long before the existence of written records. The earliest written record comes from Liu An using it as a medicine, and a later record of the drink as a medicine could be found in Bencao Gangmu.[ 2] Later on, the soybean and soybean foods were transplanted to Japan. Soybean milk is reputed to have been discovered and developed by Liu An of the Han Dynasty in China about 164 BC. Liu An is also credited with the development of " Doufu" ( soybean curd) in China which 900 years later spread to Japan where it is known as " tofu" . Traditional soy milk, a stable emulsion of oil, water and protein, is simply an aqueous extract of whole soybeans. The liquid is produced by soaking dry soybeans, and grinding them with water. Soy milk contains about the same proportion of protein as cow' s milk~ around 3.5% ; also 2% fat, 2.9% carbohydrate and 0.5% ash. Soy milk can be made at home with traditional kitchen tools or with a soy milk machine. Nomenclature The Chinese term for soy milk is " à ¢ â ¢  ¢ à ¢ â ¢  £ à  { " ( Pinyin: dà  ¸ à ¢ â â u jià  ¸ à  ± ng; lit. bean + a thick liquid) . In Western nations, soy milk products packaged for Chinese-speaking consumers may be labeled " à ¢ â ¢  ¢ à ¢ â ¢  £ à ¢ â â ¬ à ¢ â ¢ " . However, there are products in China that is called dà  ¸ à ¢ â â u nà  ¸ à  ³ i ( à ¢ â ¢  ¢ à ¢ â ¢  £ à ¢ â â ¬ à ¢ â ¢ ) made from a mix of both cow milk powder and ground, dried soybean.[ 3] [ 4] The Japanese term for soy milk is tà  ¸ à  ½ nyà  ¸ à ¢ â â which contains no cow milk. Soy milk is commonly available in vanilla and chocolate flavors as well as its original unflavored form. Plain soy milk is also commonly sweetened, though unsweetened varieties are available. In many countries, this product may not be sold under the name milk since it is not a dairy product, hence the name soy drink. Prevalence Soy milk has developed a cachet in premium coffee blends from Western restaurant chains. In Japan soy milk is much less popular than cow' s milk, and the consumption of soy milk per capita is far less than that in the U.S. However, the consumption of cow' s milk began decreasing around 1995 and that of soy milk began to grow.[ citation needed] It is, however, almost always available at Japanese tofu shops and supermarkets.[ citation needed] Soy milk has increased in popularity in the West as a substitute for cow' s milk. In some Western nations where veganism has made inroads, it is available upon request at some coffee franchises as a cow' s milk substitute, sometimes at an extra cost. Health benefits of SOY BEAN See also: Soybean# Nutrition Soy milk is nutritionally close to cow' s milk, though most soy milk commercially available today is enriched with added vitamins such as vitamin B12. It naturally has about the same amount of protein ( but not the same proteins) as cow milk. Natural soy milk contains little digestible calcium as it is bound to the bean' s pulp, which is insoluble in a human. To counter this, many manufacturers enrich their products with calcium carbonate available to human digestion. Unlike cow' s milk it has little saturated fat and no cholesterol, which many consider to be a benefit. Soy products contain sucrose as the basic disaccharide, which breaks down into glucose and fructose. Since soy doesn' t contain galactose, a product of lactose breakdown, it can safely replace breast milk in children with Galactosemia. Soy milk is promoted as a healthy alternative to cow' s milk for reasons including: Source of lecithin and vitamin E Lacks casein It is safe for people with lactose intolerance or milk allergy Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are good for the heart. Contains isoflavones, organic chemicals that may possibly be beneficial to health. In 1995 the New England Journal of Medicine ( Vol.333, No. 5) published a report from the University of Kentucky entitled " Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Soy Protein Intake on Serum Lipids." It was financed by the PTI division of DuPont, The Solae Co of St. Louis. This meta-analysis concluded that soy protein is correlated with significant decreases in serum cholesterol, low density lipoprotein ( LDL, bad cholesterol) , and triglyceride concentrations. However, high density lipoprotein ( HDL, good cholesterol) , did not increase. Soy phytoestrogens ( isoflavones: genistein and daidzein) absorbed onto the soy protein were suggested as the agent reducing serum cholesterol levels.[ 5] On the basis of this research PTI, in 1998, filed a petition with FDA for a health claim that soy protein may reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. The FDA granted this health claim for soy: " 25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease." One serving of soy milk ( 1 cup or 240 mL) , for instance, contains 6 or 7 grams of soy protein. In January, 2006 an American Heart Association review ( in the journal Circulation) of a decade-long study of soy protein benefits cast doubt on the FDA-allowed " Heart Healthy" claim for soy protein.[ 6] The panel also found that soy isoflavones do not reduce post menopause " hot flashes" in women, nor do isoflavones help prevent cancers of the breast, uterus, or prostate. Among the conclusions the authors state, " In contrast, soy products such as tofu, soy butter, soy nuts, or some soy burgers should be beneficial to cardiovascular and overall health because of their high content of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals and low content of saturated fat. Using these and other soy foods to replace foods high in animal protein that contain saturated fat and cholesterol may confer benefits to cardiovascular health." [ 7] Taken from WIKIPEDIA - http: / / en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Soy_milk Soy Milk soy milkSoy milk is made by soaking soybeans, grinding them with water. The fluid which results after straining is called soy milk. You can make soy milk at home with basic kitchen tools or with a soy milk machine. Traditionally, soy milk has a beany taste which is well accepted by the Chinese, but less by the Western palate. By using correct processing techniques, this beany taste can be reduced or eliminated. Recently, with many new uses for soy milk having been discovered, the recognition of soy milk' s health benefits, and with improved flavor and texture, soy milk now has wide and rising acceptance. Sometimes, use is made of protein isolates from soy bean which are mixed with water, oils, sugars, stabilisers to give it a milky appearance. This type of product should be described as soy drinks and is not so wholesome as real soy milk. Nutritional values of soy milk Plain soy milk is very nutritive: it' s an excellent source of high quality proteins, isoflavones and B-vitamins. Soy milk is free of the milk sugar ( lactose) and is a good choice for people who are lactose intolerant. Also, soy milk is a good alternative for those who are allergic to cow' s milk. Availability of soy milk Soy milk is most commonly found in aseptic cartons. Most of the soy milk available in the market is flavoured and fortified with extra calcium or vitamins. The most popular flavours are vanilla and chocolate. Some producers add thickeners to their soy milk to give it a mouth feel of cow' s milk. face= " comic sans ms" size= 3> Making your own soy milk In China and Japan fresh soy milk is made daily using a simple, centuries-old process of grinding soaked soybeans and pressing the soy milk out of the beans. There, soy milk is sold by street vendors or in cafes. Soy milk is served hot or cold and is often flavored with soy sauce and vegetables to produce a spicy soup. Many people find the cost of commercial soymilk to be prohibitive and make soy milk at home. Soy milk can be made at home by soaking and crushing soy beans and filtering the liquid, which is soy milk. Some have invested in a soy milk machine that cooks and grinds the soy beans and makes soy milk, fresh in your own home. There are different brands of soy milk machines on the market ( Miracle Soy Wonder, SoyJoy Automatic Soy Milk Maker, SoyToy Soy Milk Machine) . You don' t need these machines to make good quality soy milk, but they make life easier. Benefits of Soy Milk As the taste of commercial soy milk improves more and more people are drinking it as enjoyment. But many people drink soy milk for the added health benefits. So what are the benefits of drinking soy milk as compared to cowâ s milk? Benefit 1: Soy milk contains only vegetables proteins Vegetable proteins have the advantage that they cause less loss of calcium through the kidneys. It is known that a diet rich in animal ( and dairy protein) creates a higher risk for osteoporosis. Benefit 2: Soy milk contains no lactose About 75 percent of the world population cannot tolerate lactose. Some ethnic groups are more affected than others. For example 75 percent of Africans and 90 percent of Asians have lactose intolerance. As an additional benefit, soy milk contains the prebiotic sugars stachyose and raffinose. These prebiotic sugars boost immunity and help decrease toxic substances in the body. Benefit 3: Fewer people are allergic to soy milk Only 0.5 percent of the children are allergic to soy milk, whereas 2.5 percent is allergic to cowâ s milk. Benefit 4: Soy milk reduces cholesterol The saturated fats in cowâ s milk are unhealthy and increase your cholesterol. The protein in cowâ s milk has no benefits for the cholesterol. Soy protein can decrease cholesterol levels. The FDA ( Food and Drug Administration of US) confirms that soy protein, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart. The FDA recommends to incorporate 25 grams of soy protein in your daily meals. Benefit 5: Soy milk contains no hormones Cowâ s milk contains natural hormones ( from the cow) but also synthetic hormones, which can influence the good working of our own body. The synthetic hormone rBGH ( recombinant bovine growth hormone) increase milk production by as much as 20 percent. Benefit 6: Soy milk does not cause insulin dependent diabetes Although no general consensus exists among scientists, some studies have shown an association between drinking cow' s milk in early life and the development of insulin dependent diabetes. This association does not exist with soy milk. Benefit 7: Soy milk is rich in isoflavones The presence of isoflavones is the most important and unique benefit of soy milk. Each cup of soy milk contains about 20 mg isoflavones ( mainly genistein and daidzein) . Cowâ s milk does not contain isoflavones. Isoflavones have many health benefits including reduction of cholesterol, easing of menopause symptoms, prevention of osteoporosis and reduction of risk for certain cancers ( prostate cancer and breast cancer) . Incidents of these cancers are very low in countries with high intake of soy products, including soy milk. Isoflavones are also antioxidants which protect our cells and DNA against oxidation. Teti + TitO Semarang Juragan " Wedang" Instant Powder - SARI KEDELAI SOYA BEANS - Instant MILK - POWDER http: / / tetitito.multiply.com/ http: / / titotetiko.blogspot.com/ + 62 24 - 70262521 | ||
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