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Address: | KOTA BEKASI, Jawa Barat Indonesia | |
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Registration Date: | Jun. 25, 2024 | |
Last Updated: | Aug. 28, 2013 | |
Business Nature: | Manufacturing, Trade of Construction & Real Estate category | |
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DAK COR CONCRETE FLOOR PANEL BALITON Baliton CLC is an international technology standard German. The most practical solution for building and renovating houses; ngecor and ningkat houses, shophouses and more. It' s cheaper, efficient and fast, sturdy and safe from the earthquake, rather than conventional and other ngecor. In general, light weight concrete ranges from 600 1600 kg / m3. So that there are major advantages of lightweight concrete on the weight, so if used in high-rise projects ( high rise building) will be able to significantly reduce the weight of the building itself, which in turn have an impact on the calculation of the foundation. Baliton CLC Way Faster and Save Ningkat Home You want to build a new level, adding to the level of the room, or make concrete floors drying faster and more efficient? CLC Baliton the most appropriate solution. Using CLS Baliton faster and more efficient than conventional concrete, more powerful and cheaper than concrete Bondek. Baliton CLC International is a technology berstardar Germany. The technology has been applied in more than 40 countries in the world, thousands of homes and apartment buildings, educational facilities, worship facilities, industries and other commercial buildings. Concrete is porous, so the self-weight floor plate, but capable of receiving the load equally strong. Even able to withstand heavier loads and minimize the risk of earthquake. Baliton excellence CLC Baliton CLC using threaded steel reinforcement and in it using a standard iron Eraman to ngecor concrete floor. Ngecor wear Baliton CLC without providing formwork, timber rafters, plywood boards to print Perancak, which can cost about 35% of the production process. Without waiting for the concrete dried for at least 14 days before you can dismantle formwork. Save 40% Concrete materials. Save 90% wood scaffolding. Save 40% steel reinforcement. 75% more time-efficient ( faster) . Reducing the burden of foundation 40% of the conventional cast. So many benefits that we can get to the ecosystem and the lives of future generations: - Reducing the use of timber forest products. - Air quality is better. - Reduce the effects of global warming. - The availability of clean water. Another advantage Baliton CLC have a competitive advantage compared to the use of lightweight concrete with traditional building materials: Isulator voice. Material structure provides soundproofing properties. Resistant to moisture. Water absorption of less than 16% - so it does not require the completion of which is to protect. Safe for the environment ( ecological) . Lightweight concrete is not an object that can be easily damaged and brittle fast. Cleanliness of the environment makes use of components is assured full security for people who use them can keep the cold air around 9 hours in a very hot dry season. So if we turn on the air conditioner at night until 05.00, then still feel the chill till 14.00. Product Specifications Comfort in the room is very important. Because of the convenience, residents can do various activities with better and more productive. The factors that affect comfort is temperature, humidity, air movement. While comfort can be created by at least two things: a good architectural planning and selection of appropriate materials. Baliton thick CLC: 12 cm. Width: 25 cm. The exposition customize, and order dependent requirements: 1 m to 4 m. Dak conventional floor thickness of 12 cm 2 is required per m3 of his as follows: - Iron lower layer 10mm ( 15x15) = 20 btg x 80, 000 = 1, 600, 000 - Iron layered over 8mm ( 15x15) = 20 btg x 55, 000 = 1, 100, 000 - Sand = 0.7m3 x 250, 000 = 175, 000 - Gravel = 1 m3 x 250, 000 = 250, 000 - Cement = 8, 75 sacks x 63, 000 = 551, 250 - Formwork plywood rafters 9mm + 4/ 6 + bamboo = 1, 750, 000 - Wage labor = 1, 000, 000 Total conventional cast DAK per m3 = + / - 6.426 million so the cost of conventional cast DAK per m2 = 6.426 million divided 8m2 = Rp. 803, 000 perm2 DAK 12 cm thick Price valid u / Jadebotabek Thus the cost of building materials now after the price rise, especially iron rose about 8% , would cost more than Rp 803, 000, - per-m2, 12 cm thick. For those who want ngecor DAK floor / rising, suggested use baliton CLC, certainly cheaper, faster working process, sturdy also received heavy loads. And safer than the earthquake. Because Baliton CLC is a lightweight concrete international technology standard German. Price Baliton CLC now 2013 per-m2 range from Rp 450, 000, - If the installation and finishing around Rp 650, 000, - Distributor price, Competitive and Negotiable For more info, contact us immediately; TEKNIK MANDIRI CV.SUKSES Bekasi Pearls Centre Office Complex Block B # 22, Jl A. Yani Kav.20, Wood Ringin, West Bekasi 17148 Tel. ( 021) 8895.0987, 320.111.88, 9953.71.71, 6805.68.98 HP; 0817.18.68.78, 0812.808.737.88 Our Other Products; 1. Light Steel Frame Roof Zincalume G550 SKY TRUSS ( 15 year warranty) www.suksesmandiriteknik.blog.com 2. Iron Garage Doors www.pintugarasibesi.blog.com 3. Solahart water heaters www.sites.googgle.com/ site / cvsuksesmandiriteknik 4. Non-Electric Water Heaters and Gas ( Anti-shock and Gas Leakage) WIKA AWH www.wikaawh.blogdetik.com 5. WIKA SWH water heater 6. Sales Various brands and types Tile www.skyroof.blogdetik.com 7. Zincalume roof Spandeck Non Colour / Colour Bluescope www.spandeck.blogspot.com 8. Sales Bata Super Lightweight AAC and CLC Block www.suksesmandiriteknik.blogspot.com 9. Aluminum Composite 10. Sales of Cat Cat Wall Coralux and Vista https: / / sites.google.com / site / jeniscatgenteng / We are ready to come to the site. Without costs. For Survey, Consulting and Silahturahmi .. We Prioritizing Service and Quality Can negotiate price and flexible In accordance with the needs, volume and quality is desired. For further information, please contact us immediately; TEKNIK MANDIRI CV.SUKSES Bekasi Pearls Centre Office Complex Block B # 22, Jl A. Yani Kav.20, West Bekasi 17148 PHONE. ( 021) 8895.0987, 320.111.88, 9953.71.71, 6805.68.98 HP; 0817.18.68.78, 0812.808.737.88 | ||
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