Registration Date: May. 31, 2011Last Updated: Jan. 23, 2012
Business Nature: Service of Security & Protection category
Company Brief
Pension Fund is one of the non-bank financial institutions in Indonesia which has a guaranteed kesejeahteraan activity in the community either for retirement or due to accidents. Definition of pension funds according to Law no. 11/ 1992: Pension funds are legal entities that manage and run a program that promised pension benefits for participants.
Institutions Pension Fund organizers
Employer Pension Fund Institutions ( DPPK) was established for defined benefit pension plan or defined contribution pension plans.
Employer Pension Fund will manage the deposit of funds from companies who use his services and then provide employee benefits at the company' s retirement age or accident.
Financial Institutions Pension Fund ( Pension Fund) can be formed by a bank or insurance company who has a pension plan must have the ability for individuals. Participants of this financial institution pension fund is a community, whether as an employee tied to a particular company or individual that is not tied to any business entity.
Under the provisions of life insurance companies that may carry the financial institution pension fund if the company has good organizational skills, has been running at least 5 years, meet the level of solvency in accordance with the insurance field, and have a healthy level of continuity of coverage.
There are two kinds of payment systems ie lump sum pension benefits ( lump sum) and the periodic payment ( anuity) . While some types of retirement benefits, are:
Normal Retirement ( Normal Retirement) . Normal retirement age is lowest where the employee is entitled to retire without the consent of the employer to obtain full benefits. Suppose the state employee retirement age of 55 years. So 55 years is entitled to retired employees without the necessary approval of the employer. If you want to retire before 55 years old must have consent of the employer.
Early Retirement ( Early Retirement) . Early retirement is retirement age earlier than normal which is usually for some reason the employee filed for accelerated retirement. To obtain the benefits of early retirement usually with special requirements and upon reaching the age and period of employment or certain. The amount of benefit is calculated based on the Actuarial Equivalent of the amount of retirement who accumulates until the date of retirement. For example Mr. Misbah wants to retire at the age of 60 years by following a program of 2% career earnings pension plan. Actuarial equivalent pension plan at age 65 is 60% of the amount of actual retirement. Monthly salaries P. The accident is Rp1.200.000, -.
Retirement Postponed ( Deffered Retirement) . Retirement delayed is a right to pension benefits for participants who stopped working before it reaches the normal retirement age, which postponed the payment until retirement at the age of the participants in accordance with pension regulations. Delayed retirement allows employees who are mentally and physically still fit to continue working beyond normal retirement age.
Disability pension ( Retirement Disable) . Provide disability pensions for early retirement due to the accident so that workers can not do the job as usual. In the disability pension, work period is recognized as if until normal retirement age and pension income is determined on the basis of current participants expressed concerned with disabilities.
Retirement programs are programs that seek pension benefits for pension fund participants. Retirement program is comprised of two categories, namely:
Defined Contribution Pension Plan is a defined contribution pension plan that has been specified in the regulation of pension funds and the contributions and investment results recorded or posted on each account - each participant as retirement benefits.
Defined Benefit Pension Plan is a pension plan that benefits acquired after entering retirement with a predetermined value in the regulation of pension funds.
The implementation is done by the system of funding that comes from the collection of dues and pengembanganya results.
Separation of pension funds conducted by founder wealth kententuan in Law no. 11/ 1992.
Opportunity to establish a pension fund which is a follow-up of the employer desires that promise pension benefits for karyawanya.
delay the benefits do provide an opportunity unBtuk pension funds in order to do fundraising and the results so that payments can be made in accordance kewajiaban.
Guidance and supervision of pension funds conducted by the directorate finance department with the implementation of reporting systems.
Are the rules set out in implementing the program so that the participants get retirement security for his future, including:
The amount of retirement benefits based on a set fee plus a bonus mandatory reserves.
The amount of sum assured is given to the families of participants who died or disability retirement before entry.
Cash value of participants prior to 3 years based on a set fee plus a bonus in itself.
cash value of participants over 3 years based on the total fees plus bonus.
Pension beneficiaries is shown to the participant or the participant heirs designated in the certificate of pension funds.
Normal retirement benefit, is the pension benefits for participants who began to be paid at the time the participant pension upon reaching normal retirement age or later.
Retirement benefits, pension benefits for participants are paid when participants retire at a certain age before normal retirement age.
Disability retirement benefits, pension benefits for participants are paid when the participant becomes disabled.
Whether you are experiencing difficulties in the management and disbursement of your pension fund, both managed by the Company' s internal Employer ( DPPK) and managed by the External Companies ( Pension Fund) which held a Defined Contribution Pension Plan? Contact us immediately ....................! !
Latin C.S
NL. 10039776
AJB Bumiputera 1912
Jakarta Office Group Insurance 3
Bumiputera Building Lt.6
Jl.HOS. No. Cokromaninoto. Menteng 85
Jakarta - INDONESIA 10 310
Hp. : 08161110447 -081 210 003 252
BB PIN: 325A269C
E-mail: latincs.bp @
E-mail: latincs.bp @
E-mail: latincs17@
Visit us at
References The Pension Fund already and we can help you to take care of redemption, may be one included in your place as a reference Pension Fund are as follows:
- Garuda Indonesia Pension Fund
- Pension Fund Bank Mandiri
- Pension Fund BCA
- Pension Fund Bumiputera
- Pension Fund Bank BNI 46
- Pension Fund Bank Muamalat
- Pension Fund Equity Life
- Pension Fund Jiwaseraya
- Pension Fund Independent Monument
- Pension Fund Bringinlife
- Pension Fund Aviva Indonesia
- Pension Fund Manulife Financial Indonesia
- Pension Fund INDOLIFE
- Pension Fund Freeport
- Pension Fund Financial AIA Indonesia
- Pension Fund AXA Financial Indonesia
- Pension Fund Allianz
- Pension Fund ASTRA I & II
Please contact us for Annuity Purchase, Transfer of Retirement and Pension Fund Disbursement you! !
We will help the management is on average we can accomplish in a short time:
1. To Annuity = = = > 30 Days Oldest
2. To Transfer = = = > 3 Days Oldest
Management measures can come directly Pension Fund office to us or simply sitting pretty place to take care of all of us who live right received funds directly into your bank account number in quick time.
AJB Bumiputera 1912 insurance Nations Indonesia
A ` Republic` Called Bumiputera
Stepping on the age of 99 years is not easy and enjoyable journey, so many obstacles and storms that pass to exist in this republic.
The principle of mutuality which is then combined with the idealism and professionalism of managers, is a major force Bumiputera to this day. The uniqueness of a joint effort ~ ~ to be proud of.
NOT like other companies in the form of Limited Liability Company ( PT) Bumiputera 1912 since its establishment embraced the unique ownership model, the form of joint venture. With this model all his life policyholders are owners who appoint their representatives to sit on the Board of Representatives Member.
The term ` joint` form derived from the Dutch language onderling that in English paired with the word ' mutual' . Bumiputera born with the spirit of struggle, the idealism that animated the spirit of struggle. Full of fighting spirit pervading the Bumiputerawan idealism that was started by three teachers as its founder. One was Secretary of Boedi Oetomo, Dwidjosewojo.
Thought of the founders when it was very simple, want to improve the economic order of the teachers at the time of the Dutch East Indies. So the values of that struggle is the national proportion. With fighting spirit is full of idealism that permeated the Bumiputerawan since its establishment until now. Spirit of togetherness was there from the top leadership to all employees that are implemented in the form of sincerity and keiklasan in working to manage the company.
The form of this mutual effort was a blessing for the continuity of the company, a sense of togetherness that exists in this company because it encouraged mutual ~ ~ form a partnership, which ultimately strengthen this organization, which makes the quality of togetherness into its own power.
-This is probably not hinder movement Bumiputera steps to compete with other companies more modern, it forces us to be here because integrating the joint ownership and professionalism in the management, ' said former president Ali Madjdi Bumiputera, in a chance interview.
Not many companies form joint ventures. Adopt this form is from the west, because the insurance institutions of modern Europe is derived from that developed in stages, and the achievement of a new form of business today in the 18th century.
` Origin` Mutual
Insurance to form joint venture was first recorded in Portugal. As the experiment of King Ferinald in the field of marine insurance in 1370. This experiment failed, and for a long time not heard from again the insurance business to form together. New in the 16th century there are common forms of business insurance for sailors that are intended for sailors who fell into the hands of the pirates, as well as providing financial security for his family during tadak sailors can provide a living. This type of insurance is called zee nansbuidels, and there in the Netherlands. The principle of joint efforts in the field of insurance are found again in Zaanstreek, the Netherlands also for shipping business in 1677.
Simply put, the principle of joint efforts can be formulated as: the participants, by participants, for participants. Therefore, the practice is happening at that time, the amount of premium to be paid by the participants can be fickle, as needed. If at any time increase the amount of compensation to be paid, the premium per participant will also be raised. The term now, the practice is called mutual benefit method.
Historically, the main features of joint efforts in the field of insurance are: First, the amount of premium to be paid is not fixed. In its development, the premium is not fixed is also used by other companies in the form of joint efforts. Second, joint ventures do not require capital. This is what distinguishes form joint ventures with limited liability company ( PT) .
The third characteristic, in essence, a partnership does not pursue profit. If there is a surplus from the results of his efforts, then the surplus was distributed to all participants. Fourth, insurance forms joint venture with the principle of relying on pure risk; is a limited liability company with its fixed premiums can only apply the principle of speculative risks, so there are elements of the expected profit of embedded capital. Fifth, in a joint effort, the risk borne by the participants themselves as the owner of the company; ' re on Limited Liability Companies, perusahaanlah who bear the risks.
In the Netherlands, form joint ventures ( onderlinge) historically is recognized as an entity that can act alone in the law, as determined in Burgerlijk Wetboek ( BW) of Article 1690 and 1691.
In Indonesia, the form of joint ventures in particular are not known, but the customary law of Indonesia in general, provide space for the practice of mutual aid to be part of a broader social life, such as villages, while in Europe, especially in the Netherlands, together with business practices actually associated with activities business in a particular business field.
Why Bumiputera?
National Awakening marked with Boedi Oetomo youth movement in 1908, a revival of this country' s history spear while Dwijosewojo as secretary I in the first congress of Boedi Oetomo was the teacher who initiated the founding of Bumiputera, the first national life insurance joint venture in 1912 form.
As a character who knows the true condition of the teachers in those days, apparently using the Congress PGHB Dwidjosewojo ( Dutch East Indies Teachers' Association) as a forum to spark re-establish the idea that the soul asurani previously been raised at the congress Budi Utomo 1910, which does not exist tindaklanjutnya.
Solidarity among the teachers who form because equation fate, has made the idea Dwidjosewojo obtain a very positive response. The first Congress in Magelang PGHB on February 12, 1912 was unanimously adopted by voice Dwidjosewojo proposal and his fellow characters other teachers to establish a life insurance company exclusively for the members and named Onderlinge PGHB Levensverzekring Maatschappj PGHB abbreviated OLMij.PGHB, based in Magelang, which later turned into OLMij 1914. Poetra earth and beyond, life insurance companies since 1966 was known as the Joint Life Insurance ( AJB) Bumiputera 1912.
What is interesting is the choice of business form Onderlinge ` and not` NV ( limited liability company) or any other form. One consideration is that the shape onderling at that time can be established without having to provide capital in advance, so that all policyholders are the owners of the company, and all premiums received funding that was used as working capital to date. All that is inseparable from the existence of solidarity among the teachers, and awareness of the efficacy of the principle of mutual assistance among community members, and participate as strong involvement in decision-making.
The uniqueness of Joint Venture
A company whose shareholders are the company' s own customers is a unique, ` the customer is the owner of the company.` In the Bumiputera policy holders who are also called members, are very prominent, even regarded as the owner of the company. As the owner of the company, the policyholder / member holds the supreme power, which determine the outline of the policy administration life insurance business. The highest authority of the policyholder / member of the forth in the form of Policyholders Meeting / Member or through the Representative of Policy Holder / Member.
Meeting of the Policy Holder / Member is a forum for the highest authority of the company. Because not all policyholders / members to attend this meeting, that number can reach up to millions of people ratusanribu; then to accommodate the voices of the member / policy holder to the Articles of Association set the quorum that determine the legitimacy of a meeting of policyholders / members.
The principle role of joint venture life insurance company due to three main reasons, namely: First, the philosophy has been universally accepted that the mission of the organization is to serve the interests of insurance policyholders / tertanggungnya.
Second, morally, capital collected by life insurance companies, eventually most or even all from the policyholder / tertanggungnya. Third, because of historical reasons, namely the cultural heritage of the past who have noble values in the areas of society, which not only preserved in Indonesia or in the Asian general, but also preserved and developed in Europe.
CPA Bumiputera
On Bumiputera who represents the policyholder / member referred to as the Member Representative Body ( CPA) , located in 11 ( eleven) areas of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke represent Region Northern Sumatra, Central Sumatra, South Sumatra, DKI Jakarta, West Java , Central Java, East Java and Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Malirja.
The Representative Board Members will conduct an annual meeting or extraordinary meeting according to the statutes which have been determined for a discussion about the way companies report the Board of Directors and ratification of the work program and budget of the company for years to come.
First Member Meeting held on 7 November 1914 in Semarang, attended by all members in its development can not be held with all the presence of its members, so that in 1955 captured the wisdom to change the Meeting of Members of the Meeting of Representatives Member Mejelis who in 1966 turned into a Board Member Representative, which is the highest institution in the Bumiputera.
Member Representative Body ( CPA) ' s are policyholders / members elected by popular vote for the election in which the concerned resident. Each member of the Bumiputera, has the right to vote and be elected as a member of BPA in every election. With a lifetime membership for 5 years and a maximum term of office for 2 consecutive periods.
With the selection mechanism on top, like a republic, Bumiputera basically also embodies the principles of democracy.
98 Year Fixed Berjaya
As a company born in the struggle and with a determination for the welfare of society and aims to increase the degree of the nation' s economy, Bumiputera continues to increase its business in a healthy and responsible under the provisions of the legislation and norms prevailing in the insurance industry.
` As the only company in the form of joint ventures ( mutual) , we should feel proud, ' said the IDP Good Supratman, Director of Bumiputera. ` Not only because the company was founded by freedom fighters who pioneered the nation, but also a national company founded by the sons of Indonesia, without even a dollar of capital.` That stance was in the era of Dutch colonialism, where everything must be with the consent of parties colonial rulers.
It is no exaggeration if successful Bumiputera founder and board at its founding moment correctly and effectively apply the principles of mutual aid in the form of the modern. For nearly a century, Bumiputera grown into a leading insurance, fall up to face crises and challenges that accompany the journey of this republic, meraksasa with more than 13.5 trillion of assets, manages approximately 5.2 million policyholders / members, employs more than 30, 000 workers , has 500-an office network throughout Indonesia, and in the last 10 years fulfilling the obligation to pay claims trillions of dollars each year. All it really is not an easy achievement in the middle of limitations - for Bumiputera do not have access to capital as the company' s Limited Liability Company, and has never received financial assistance from the government because no state-owned Bumiputera. Bumiputera, Implementation of Article 33 INSURANCE Life Together Bumiputera 1912, founded by the warrior-warrior educators in the country in a situation of occupation, with the aim to help improve the welfare of the Indonesian nation, beginning teachers welfare bumiputera.
The long journey of this company' s history, is testament to the founder' s commitment that can be forwarded on to their successors. This company grew and developed along with the struggle of the Indonesian nation, both at the time of colonialism and after independence. Bumiputera to pass through the various upheavals that occurred in the homeland.
Bumiputera want to inspire re-AJB Bumiputera stakeholders in the founding ideals of this company, so as not to dissolve the thoughts that are contrary to the original purpose of the company.
AJB Bumiputera 1912 is the implementation of ps 33 paragraph ( 1) of the 45 Constitution, which mandates that, ` The economy is prepared as a joint effort based on the principle of kinship." This is proof that proper antisisipatif mind the company' s founders, although AJB Bumiputera 1912 stood long before the making of the 1945 Constitution .
There are values - noble values that are culturally AJB Bumiputera 1912, namely the soul kejuangan, never give up, based on national culture, togetherness, familial, and siding with the people in improving their welfare.
That idealism was said to be managed with the professional-ism is true, should not be dragged on the thoughts that are not grounded in the culture of AJB Bumiputera 1912. Mutual business entity or joint venture is a matter that should not be negotiable, it must be developed throughout the country.
The present generation and future obligation to maintain the form of joint ventures ( mutual) , with the professional ability, to carry the ideals of its founder and predecessor.
Appreciate the value of Togetherness and Professionalism
Herein are in the form of business ` mutual / joint business` of course has its advantages / strengths and weaknesses / shortcomings compared to other forms of business as a Limited Liability Company ( PT) .
History has proven that Bumiptera in business travel has been amended several times because of the economic shocks that arise, both in 1997/ 1998 and at the present time. But with the idealism and professionalism of managers, until now can still exist and flourish.
Therefore, the addition of asset / wealth to offset the company' s liabilities to policyholders must be pursued in a consistent, intelligent and trustworthy either through increased premium income and investment returns, asset engineering, emphasis on cost and efficiency in all lines of the company.
Bumiputera is the only national insurance company in Indonesia that was founded on lofty ideals of three teachers, so we are now given a mandate to run the company should continue the ideals of its founders in enhancing the image and dignity of the people of Indonesia to achieve the level of welfare through insurance.
Management and all employees must live the values of togetherness and professionalism and idealism so as to run the company and carry out the mandate of the founders of the totality. * * *
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- Anuitas Seumur Hidup
Anuitas adalah Serangkaian pembayaran manfaat secara periodik (berkala) Setiap bulan, kepada anuitan (penerima anuitas) sampai dengan Seumur hidup peserta.Jika Peserta utama meninggal manfaat bulanan turun kepada Janda/ Duda sampai dengan seumur hidup, Jika Janda/ Duda meninggal, maka manfaat bulanan turun kepada anak, sampai dia sudah menikah, sudah bekerja, atau sudah mencapai Usia 25 tahun.
Jenis – jenis Program Anuitas Seumur Hidup Sbb:
-> Anuitas Murni
-> Anuitas Cash Refund
-> Anuitas Eskalasi
-> Anuitas 65 Tahun
-> Anuitas Tailormide