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CV. Pelita Kencana - Sikat - Sikat Industri
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Mr. Guido Yonivandono [Director/CEO/General Manager]

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Phone number of Mr. Guido Yonivandono at Lawang

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Mobile number of Mr. Guido Yonivandono at Lawang

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Fax number of Mr. Guido Yonivandono at Lawang


Jl. A. Yani 590
Lawang 65212, Jawa Timur

Hotline Contact: Telkomsel: 0852 3060 8800 ; 081 2521 2045. Mentari: 081 5557 12045; Flexy: 0341 910 2045; Three( 3 ) : 0898007800 ;
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Sikat Pipa / Pipe Brush / Tube Brush


pipe brush for cleaning mark on inside pipe
Sikat Dorong / Push broom / Push brush / Floor Brush

Rp. 15.000,- - 500.000

This is for cleaning big area usually for contractor for cleaning big area.

The size is from 12, 18, 22, 30, 42, 50 or 60 inch.
Sikat Rol bulu kuda dengan as / Horse Hair Roll Brush with shaft


We make industrial brush with for printing industry, belt coneyor cleaner, food industry and other industrial brush.

Material that we use: Plant fibre: tampico, coconut fibre,
Cara Pesan Sikat Coil Model Spiral dengan as Shaft / How to order coil brush spiral model


We Provide data for ordering coil brush spiral model with only one line strip brush attaching to the core body.

For the other brush type please see our other product.
Sikat Strip / Strip brush

80.000 - 400.000

Strip brush made from material nylon, tampico, PP and formed by material galvanize and stainless steel. Also available with aluminum, galvanize and stainless steel support. Total....
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