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PT. Sanindo Perkasa Abadi

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PT. Sanindo Perkasa Abadi
PT. Sanindo Perkasa Abadi
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Winardi Nyoto [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: soscommunity1@yahoo.com 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Winardi Nyoto at Sidoarjo
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Winardi Nyoto at Sidoarjo
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Winardi Nyoto at Sidoarjo
Address:Jl. Muncul E2-F2 Gedangan, Sidoarjo
Sidoarjo 65142, Jawa Timur
Csr Perusahaan Di Indonesia | PT. Sanindo Perkasa Abadi
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jun. 27, 2011
Business Nature:Service of Business Services category

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Company Brief

SOS Community is an independent community which was founded in July 2009 in order

facilitate various groups in conveying the message that benefit many people.

SOS Community aims to run CSR programs of Randall Hart, SOS

Community member Community SOS ambassadors.

As for the actualization of our programs such as facilitating fundraising for humanitarian missions, conduct

seminars / workshops for free educational for those who can not afford, to facilitate the enterprises in

CSR activities that are owned, entrepreneurial spirit and to develop mentally and attitudes with

provide the knowledge, capital, and guidance on a regular basis.

SOS Community is an independent community which was founded in July 2009 in order

facilitate various groups in conveying the message that benefit many people.

SOS Community aims to run CSR programs of Randall Hart, SOS

Community member Community SOS ambassadors.

As for the actualization of our programs such as facilitating fundraising for humanitarian missions, conduct

seminars / workshops for free educational for those who can not afford, to facilitate the enterprises in

CSR activities that are owned, entrepreneurial spirit and to develop mentally and attitudes with

provide the knowledge, capital, and guidance on a regular basis.


' SOS Community as a messenger who founded the community in order to participate

intellectual life of the nation and raise the dignity of the nation. "


- Participate actively assist in the humanitarian mission with activities

- Activities charity.

- Feeding the life of the nation with a program seminar / workshop educative.

- Facilitate the companies in CSR activities are held.

- Develop mentally entrepreneurial spirit and attitude to provide the knowledge, capital, and

guidance periodically.

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