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PT Sumber Fajar Inti Abadi

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PT Sumber Fajar Inti Abadi
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mrs. Susana Tjioe [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: sasa4chow@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Susana Tjioe at Pontianak
Fax Number:Fax number of Mrs. Susana Tjioe at Pontianak
Address:Jl. Sei Raya Dalam no 9
Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:May. 20, 2009
Business Nature:Trade of Food & Beverage category

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Company Brief

Our company runs in distributting food, non food, sweet water and milk products to retail, Supermarket, shops. we cover all west borneo and east malaysia market. We have 32 trucks in all size... Most of them are in 6 tires. We have more than 50 salesman including motorbike canvassers, car canvassers, taking order cash and credit. 50 logistic staff and also adminnistration staff around 20 ppl We have branch in Singkawang, Ketapang. Our achievement for the moment is distributing ( the only distributor in west borneo) product from PT Nutrifood, PT Arta Boga Cemerlang, PT Sentosa Karya Gemilang, PT Sari Murni Abadi, PT ABC Presiden, PT Keong Nusantara Abadi, PT Mega Surya Mas, PT Mikie Oleo Nabati, PT Focus Distribution Nusantara, PT Intim Harmonis Food, PT Sari Sedap, PT Internusa and many others.
Dont hesitate to contact us if u want us to distribute ur manufacture goods in any kind in our area, we are looking for it.

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