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PT. Duta santosa indonesia

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PT. Duta santosa indonesia
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    Vacuum Frying termurah dan pasti bisa nego)

    Vacuum Frying termurah dan pasti bisa nego)

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    THIS VACUUM FRYER IS USED TO MAKE FLAKY WITH MATERIALS FRUITS AND VEGETABLE LIKE SALAK,JACKFRUIT,PEPAYA,MANGGOS,APPLE,KACANG, TERONG,BUNCIS ETC PROSPECT BUSINESS of KRIPIK FRUIT AND VEGETABLE WHICH CONTINUE EXPAND Conducting of fruitchips lately seen to more expand. Almost in various area in Indonesia is always met by fruit raw material and vegetable which abundance and condition of all economics of crisis make people have to be more be productive. Society Animo to this business besides machine invesment which is costly ngak how and very big profit enable return of very invesment quickly ( High ROI), also market compartment which is fair progressively and still very open for the new of entry / enter in this business. Level of requirement of fruit kripik and vegetable and also mushroom from within country still very big and export even also still is big. EXISTENCE OF NEWEST TECHNOLOGICAL TOUCH of Our Production have excesss compared to other producer for example - Control Temperature automatically - Its Seal do not easy to destroy - its Water volume not many and seldom change - needn't dislicer - Material : Stainless - result of its kripik very good - Its construction very flexible - Do not require room / wide of place For the order of machine of vacuum frying which with quality at the price of cheap could contact us at : 0341 - 9103006 or 081252152052 ( sugeng) for payment please transfer to account of BCA: 3150671425 a / n : sugeng hadi santoso

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