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Name:Mr. Abu Yahya [Marketing]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Abu Yahya at Cairo
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Abu Yahya at Cairo
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Abu Yahya at Cairo
Address:Masarawy Str.
Cairo 12121, Cairo
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Mar. 15, 2009
Business Nature:Trade of Agriculture category

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Company Brief

Total : all quantities
Keterangan: kami sedang mencari GRASS BROOMS dari seluruh indonesia dengan kualitas grade A & dalam jumlah banyak. Description: We are seeking all of Grass BROOMS indonesian with a quality grade in the number of lots. kami juga bersedia kontrak dalam jangka waktu lama dengan kontrak awal 1 tahun. we also are willing to contract in a long time with the initial 1 year contract.
Spec barang : Spec goods:
1. 1. alang2 muda alang2 young
2. 2. panjang sekitar 1-1, 25 mter length around 1-1, 25 mter
3. 3. pengeringan sinar matahri selama 3 hari drying rays matahri for 3 days
4. 4. Packing : karung goni coklat Packing: gunny chocolate
5.Bila ada perusahaan atau perorangan bisa hubungi : + 20107160883 ( Yahya) atw email : mobiles@ live.com
5.Bila have companies or individuals can contact.

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