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Name:Mrs. Antonio Miguel [Owner/Entrepreneur]
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Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Antonio Miguel at surimo kahemba
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Antonio Miguel at surimo kahemba
Fax Number:Fax number of Mrs. Antonio Miguel at surimo kahemba
Address:lucapa esperanca
surimo kahemba 62633, lunda norte
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Feb. 1, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Mineral, Metals & Materials category

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We are hereby as a small private company in angola that belong to our famill we are in lucapa that we have our land sinces long agao that we have producing diamonds but know we are stll waitting for the goverment to give us a linces but we can trade in a small guatites we are looking for some one who is intrested in doing business we us and if u see that we can still go along way when we will be gaven the linces thm we can sing a contracts in furtur.

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