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Name:Mrs. ERLIN YULANTI [Marketing]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. ERLIN YULANTI at BOGOR
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. ERLIN YULANTI at BOGOR
Fax Number:Fax number of Mrs. ERLIN YULANTI at BOGOR
Address:Jl. Selakopi Jayagiri No. 8 Sindangbarang
BOGOR 16117, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Sep. 26, 2010
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category

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Company Brief

MITRA NIAGA INDONESIA is located in Bogor city, around 45 km to the south of Jakarta, the capital City of Indonesia. MITRA NIAGA INDONESIA, the company that 1) Design and produce agro-industrial equipment/ machinery, 2) Import and supply for Food Ingredients 3) producing food and beverages product.

Major Products / Services
  • Spray Dryer
    Pegering semprot untuk menghasilkan produk instant
  • Non-dairy Creamer
    Produk pengganti susu untuk diet
  • Bio Reaktor
    Reaktor untuk produksi bioproses
  • Ekstraksi Solvent Minyak Atsiri
    Untuk ekstraasi kandingan minyak atsiri dari bung atau bahan yang mengandung minyak atsiri rendah.

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