Lensa Wisata


Paket Wisata[Jan. 17, 2012 4:33:57]
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we are ready to assist in the procurement of ground transportation, tour buses, cars, travel, etc.. We have tour packages regular programs such as: Study Tour, KKL ( Field Lecture) , Education and Social Care Fun Trip and tour of special interest programs such as: Stay in the Village Travel, Tracking, Hiking, Rafting, Mountain Bike, Diving, Caving . To service these tour packages we are preparing the particulars of alternative objects that will be addressed through the preparation of the material at the time of execution of the activities that we expect the existence of an incentive consultation prior to implementation of activities, resulting in the preparation and implementation of all activities can provide comfort to all participants.
Our services are in addition supported by trained professional in the field of tourism, we are also supported by partners / working relationship we are ready to provide the best service. Starting from the hotel, transportation, and catering etc., so that wherever planned tourist destination will we try to provide the best service. With an attractive package and negotiable.

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