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Facilities and Service

Our main maintenance facility is located at Lemah Abang, Cikarang Bekasi. Our office, workshops, warehouses and training centers standing within its 35, 000 square meters area.

With an investment of US$ 8 million poured into this facility, it is essential that we offer customer the service they deserve and to provide you with every option available to meet your needs. We maintain a sophisticated computerized inventory and parts system to ensure prompt delivery service of parts to customers. These parts have been fully inspected and met the highest constraints of our highly trained employees. Our access to an extensive network can assist you in locating hard-to-find parts that may result a low productivity output.

To be closer to the customer, Kobexindo put Techninician, spare parts and others facilities in Customer site, and back up by the nearest Kobexindo Representative offices in Pontianak and Batu Licin as well as Kobexindo Branch offices, such as, Muara Enim Branch , Pekanbaru Branch, Surabaya Branch, Banjarmasin Branch, Samarinda Branch and Balikpapan Branch.

We invest the Dynamometer for Engine as well as Dynamometer for Transmission , in order to make sure all of our Engine overhaul and transmission overhaul are in good condition and ready for use.

We believe with a proper & good maintenance our product will give the best productivity, and at the end give the best ROI to cour customer.

Starting in 2011 Kobexindo apply the ERP system , which is the on line & real time system.
It brings a huge improvement in Kobexindo business process in order to give the best services to customer.

Product Support

We guarantee to tailor your fleets' maintenance needs and that you will receive the same unmatched service whether it be in the office or in the field. Our highly trained technicians come to you where ever you are and whatever you need them.

Regular service and preventative maintenance are crucial to save time and resources. We offer a wide range of service and maintenance such as regular visits, reconditioning, repairs, rebuilding, analysis as well as consulting. From a simple oil change to complex repairs, our trained technicians can handle any service requirement.
And we are specialized in Full Maintenance Contract, which is in flat rate system and the benefit is to have an availability product guarantee.

Special for Doosan Heavy Equipment product, we provide the " Ã ½ PSPP " product which is Parts Service Package Program, give a special price package for Spare parts & Services and special benefit to have an extended warranty to the product, which will give a positive effect to the unit, increase the Resale Value.

All of our service personnel are factory trained and qualified to keep your equipments in safe operating conditions.


As with any heavy equipment machineries, human capabilities and competencies is an important point, Kobexindo realize it, and have an aggresive training program for all of Kobexindo staff as well as the new intake.

Kobexindo Basic Mechanic Course is a program for the new fresh graduate who will be trained and prepared become a good mechanic, and it is a routine program in order to get a well trained Mechanic to support all of equipment sold and also to be an asset for the Nation.

Kobexindo pleased to give a proper trainig to customer' s operator in order to let them operate the unit in proper way, which will give a benefit to the customer as well as the safety operation.

We notice that the standard in every customer is difference, we welcome customer to have a tailor made training program to meet their need.
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