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King Pigeon Hi-Tech. Co., Ltd.

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  • GSM Alarm System, S100, CE

    GSM Alarm System, ....

    GSM Alarm System, S100, CE:
    The GSM Alarm System S100 with multi-functions. It integrated GSM Module inside, and almost all useful functions and features of the alarm systems in the....

  • GSM Gate Opener, RTU5015

    GSM Gate Opener, ....

    GSM Gate Opener, RTU5015:
    GSM Gate, Barrier, Shutter, Garage Door and Door opener

    Open gate or garage door with a FREE call from your mobile phone!

    Remote switching machines with....

  • GSM House intruder alarm system, S100

    GSM House intruder....

    GSM House intruder alarm system, S100:

    The GSM Alarm System S100 is a new security protection solution. It is special for home, house and office and other applications. It based....

  • Wireless home intruder alarm system, S110

    Wireless home....

    Wireless home intruder alarm system, S110:
    The GSM Alarm System S110 is a new security protection solution. It is special for home, house and office and other applications. It....

  • Wireless GSM Home alarm system, S110

    Wireless GSM Home....

    Wireless GSM Home alarm system, S110:
    The GSM Alarm System S110 with multi-functions. It integrated GSM Module inside, and almost all useful functions and features of the alarm....

  • New GSM SMS Control Alarm system, S130

    New GSM SMS Control....

    New GSM SMS Control Alarm System, S130:
    The GSM SMS Controller-Alarm is a very simple device which can be used for authorized door access, controlling gates, switching of remote....

  • GSM Home alarm system,  S3523,  SMS Alarm,  alarm systems,  gsm alarms

    GSM Home alarm....

    GSM Home alarm system, S3523, SMS Alarm, alarm systems, gsm alarms:
    The GSM Alarm System S3523 is a new security protection solution special for home, house and office and other....

  • Wireless Home alarm system

    Wireless Home alarm....

    Wireless Home alarm system, S120:
    The GSM Alarm System S120 with multi-functions. It integrated GSM Module inside, and almost all useful functions and features of the alarm systems....

  • GSM Alarm system

    GSM Alarm system

    GSM Alarm System, S110:
    The GSM Alarm System S110 is a new security protection solution. It is special for home, house and office and other applications. It based on Wireless GSM....

  • GSM RTU, RTU5000(4I /2O/1AD/RS232 Ports)

    GSM RTU, RTU5000( 4I ....

    GSM RTU, RTU5000( 4I / 2O/ 1AD/ RS232 Ports) :
    The GSM RTU( Remote Terminal Unit) RTU5000 is a universal GSM Remote Control and Alarm Unit. it provides 2 Opt coupler ( Iso) outputs, 4 Opt....

  • GSM SMS Controller-Alarm, S130

    GSM SMS Controller....

    GSM SMS Controller-Alarm, S130:
    The GSM SMS Controller-Alarm is a very simple device which can be used for authorized door access, controlling gates, switching of remote equipments....

  • GSM SMS Controller, S150

    GSM SMS Controller, ....

    The GSM SMS Controller-Alarm is a very simple device which can be used for authorized door access, controlling gates, switching of remote equipments, car parking systems. Actually....

  • GSM Alarm System, S100

    GSM Alarm System, ....

    GSM Alarm, GSM SMS Alarms, home alarm system, wireless intruder alarm system, GSM Terminals

  • New Home alarm system,  S100,  Home alarm system,  wireless alarm,  SMS Alarm

    New Home alarm....

    New Home alarm system, S100, Home alarm system, wireless alarm, SMS Alarm:
    The GSM Alarm System S100 with multi-functions. It integrated GSM Module inside, and almost all useful....

  • GSM Gate opener,  RTU5015,  GSM RTU,  GSM Telemetry,  GSM Remote controller

    GSM Gate opener, ....

    GSM Gate opener, RTU5015, GSM RTU, GSM Telemetry, GSM Remote controller:
    The GSM Gate Opener RTU5015 is a very simple device which can be used for authorized door access, ....

  • New GSM Alarm system,  S100,  King Pigeon alarm,  alarm system,  GSM Alarms

    New GSM Alarm system....

    New GSM Alarm system, S100, King Pigeon alarm, alarm system, GSM Alarms:
    The GSM Alarm System S100 with multi-functions. It integrated GSM Module inside, and almost all useful....

  • GSM Gate Door Opener,  RTU5015( 1O/ 2I)

    GSM Gate Door Opener....

    GSM Gate Door Opener, RTU5015( 1O/ 2I) :
    The GSM Gate Opener RTU5015 is a very simple device which can be used for authorized door access, controlling gates, switching of remote....

  • GSM Alarm system,  S3526

    GSM Alarm system, ....

    GSM Alarm system, S3526:
    The GSM Alarm System S3526 is a new security protection solution special for home, house and office and other applications. It based on Wireless GSM....

  • GSM Gate opener,  GSM RTU,  gsm home alarm system

    GSM Gate opener, GSM....

    King Pigeon is a Professional GSM Alarms, GSM Alarm system, GSM MMS Alarm, GSM House Alarm, GSM Control Alarm, GSM SMS Alarms Fixed Celluar Terminal, Fixed Wireless Terminal OEM....

  • GSM Alarm, with Microphone and Speaker (S3524A), home alarm system

    GSM Alarm, with....


    King Pigeon is a Professional GSM Alarms, GSM Alarm system, GSM MMS Alarm, GSM House Alarm, GSM Control Alarm, GSM SMS Alarms OEM ODM Manufacturer in China.
    The Product Line: GSM....

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