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Ainuna Kedai Djogja

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Ainuna Kedai Djogja
Ainuna Kedai Djogja
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Ainuna Kedai Djogja


Ainuna Kedai Djogja was first established in 2009. The first products to be launched are:
- Migroplus biological fertilizer for plantations and agriculture, local seed containing beneficial microorganisms as soil fertilizer native Indonesia.
- Probiotics Migroplus for fisheries, and livestock, containing microorganisms which are very good for the digestion of livestock and fish.
Then, Ainuna Djogja shops began to explore and launch another superior products but at affordable prices such as:
- Field Convection: make clothes martial arts uniforms, official uniform, shirts, jackets, bags, and also self-defense equipment such as tug, mattresses, Toya, bet, and others.
- Field of vinyl Crafts: Jar vinyl, vinyl bins, Box wristwatch, Box paper towel, and others are made of vinyl.
- Milk Etawa and variants of its products are made from goat' s milk.

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