Registration Date: Jun. 25, 2024, Last Updated: Sep. 26, 2015
Business Nature: Trade of Health & Beauty category
Business Nature: Trade of Health & Beauty category
Company Brief
Karunia Makmur Corp. is a distributor of laboratory equipment company engaged in the supply of laboratory equipment, chemicals and technical needs of other companies and manufacture under the auspices of the KARUNIA MAKMUR PERSADA ( KMP GROUP) , based in the city of Medan. Technical equipment and materials industries we supply include raw materials, technical chemicals, supplies, tools and other equipment supporting the production of much needed industry. Technical equipment and chemicals that we supply to industrial enterprise companies throughout Indonesia. Please confirm to:Miss: Waty
TELP: 081376851098, 085296373116, 081361177944
Fax: 061-8361483
Email: karuniamakmur@, wati@
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