This Product made from Yarn an this process by Woven non Machine ( Traditional Woven ) with Size : 140 cm x 200 cm
Rp. 65.000
Transparance Curtain, category Handy Craft made from ATBM ( Woven non Machine ) , motif Buterfly with line ornament Gold effect
Rp. 87.500
this product made from yarn TR 10/ 2, by Hand made.
Rp.87.500/pcs (87.500 x 2 = Rp.175.000)
This Product made from TR 10 / 2 Yarn, category handy Craft, by size 130cm x 200 cm
Rp. 90.000
this product made from ATBM ( non machinery woven ) made from 10/ 2 Yarn
This Product made from T/ R 10/ 2 Yarn, category Handy Craft ( hand made ) , by size 130 cm x 200 cm
This Photo for sample ( multiple choise motif ) you can choise colour and motif from this page
This Product made from Woven Traditional Machine, size 130cm x 200 cm