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Jasa Pembuatan Tesis

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Jasa Pembuatan Tesis
Jasa Pembuatan Tesis
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Name:Mr. IDTesis 085225887747
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Y!: cs_idtesis 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. IDTesis 085225887747 at Yogyakarta
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. IDTesis 085225887747 at Yogyakarta
Address:Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
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Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:Jun. 28, 2014
Business Nature:Service of Business Services category

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Company Brief

We Thesis Development Services are solutions, consulting, and references for those of you who are in the preparation of the final project thesis constraints. Services we provide have the following details:
For further information, please contact our custumer service:
= = Email: IDTesis@ gmail.com, BB PIN 7CB4437E
= = Mobile 1: 0852.2588.7747 ( USA)
= = Â   Mobile 2: 0857.0.1111.632 ( IM3)
= = A. Price' s Thesis Development Services
= = Thesis Development Services costs Rp 5, 000, 000, the cost of which is intended and listed includes the cost of trial and revision until you have passed.
= = B. Payment
= = For reservations Thesis Development Services to do a two stage payments, which are:
= = 1. Payments section proposal
= = Payment before the proposal section ( Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III or dependent structures given format by campus) as much as Rp. 2, 500, 000
= = 2. Payments section analysis
= = Payment at this stage before stepping on the stage of the analysis ( Chapter IV, Chapter V, or depending on the format of the structure has been determined by the campus) as much as Rp. 2, 500, 000
= = C. Long workmanship Thesis Development Services
= = To create a draft proposal we need about 10-14 days or depending on the level of difficulty of the themes taken
   Making the chapter data analysis and our conclusions up to the stage takes about 3 weeks
   While the existing revision done about 7 days depending on the number of revisions made by the supervisor

Review Journal
= = In workmanship or review legal journals We provide services consisting of workmanship journal Journal Name, Author Name, Research Objectives, methods / instruments used, Conclusions and Recommendations of the study. In reviewing the journal can be coupled with a summary of the operationalization of variables, typically used to construct the operationalization of the variables to be used in research clients.
= = A. Review Price Law Journal
= = We give you the price of Rp. 50, 000, 00 to 250 thousand, depending on the specification of workmanship
   5 for a review of journal titles and we give a discount of 10% .
= = We provide search journal references that match the theme / topic / variables studied by the client, to fix the price of Rp. 20, 000, 00

   B. Payment and Settlement
   Consumers pay a minimum 50% DP to the specified bank account ( will be notified via SMS / email) before the project is done. IDTesis will send via email 50% of the work on any given day.
After consumers pay the remaining payments ( 50% remaining) further work whole work will be submitted via email.

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