Sell:Krupuk Mawar 
Jadi Jaya
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Jadi Jaya
Contact Information
Mr. Abdul Halim

Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Abdul Halim at Sidoarjo
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Abdul Halim at Sidoarjo
Desa Jambangan Kec. candi
Sidoarjo 61271, Jawa Timur
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Krupuk Mawar
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Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
QuantityTak terbatas
Pack. & Delivery5 kg
These chips are called chips rose because its shape like a rose. The main material consists of high quality cassava flour and other ingredients that are safe for health ( food grade) under periodic supervision by the District Health Office in Sidoarjo.

Advantages: taste delicious, savory, crispy and fluffy with a perfectly fried with a drying time is only 15-20 minutes.

Available colors: White and Orange, and the form of thin and thick.

Packaging: 5 kg consists of about 1450 chips ( bold type) or 1800 chips ( thin type) .

Our products are known as chips " Aneka Rasa" from Sidoarjo.
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