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Intuitivemedicorp, Inc. is a shareholder own medical device company focused on the development and commercialization of highly differentiated cyanoacrylate based surgical, wound management and infection prevention technologies. Founded in 2010, the company is based in Daegu, Republic of Korea.
The vision of the Intuitivemedicorp team is to redefine the way cyanoacrylate based surgical Glues and sealants are used in medicine. Our mission if to previde technologies that achieve optimal patient outcomes. Intuitivemedicorp currently is developing and commercializing cyanoacrylate-based Glues and sealants for use in professional and consumer healthcare settings. We specialize in prosucts that provide solutions for three distinct healthcare segments Surgical, Woud Management and Infection Prevention. We have a robust product pipeline under development and several products that are to be commercialized in the Korea and overseas markets.

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