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    Xray Lens Filter

    Xray Lens Filter

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    X-Ray Filter
    Sony has changed the Nightshot feature a few times during production. The first Sony camcorders could shoot Nightshot in the day. Then Sony found that people were using the camcorders to see through some clothing, so they changed the camcorders to have a fully open aperture in Nightshot mode. This meant in bright light, the picture is overexposed. Some of the most recent camcorders from Sony are somewhere in-between. One recent camcorder we have tested limits the minimum aperture but still adjusts the aperture wider. Interestingly, the result is that in Nightshot mode during daylight, the picture is overexposed without a filter. But, using Nightshot in daylight with an IR filter works! Perhaps Sony has realized that this feature helps sell cameras.
    All Sony Digital Video Camera with the Super Nightshot/ Nightshot feature are capable of achieving the X-Ray effect when used with the Infrared filter. Seeing is believing. This infra red filter will filter out 99% of light seen by naked eye only allowing infra red light thru. Technically the naked eye can see 100% black with the help of this filter. Because with the night shot function on the naked eye cannot pick up the high contrast black. So with the Infrared filter and your night shot function on, it will help u see title of a book with a piece of cloth place over it thus the x-ray effect.
    This is an excellent filter for outdoor filming. This Infrared filter is considered to be a dark filter and is used to capture the highest quality pictures in typical outdoor lighting. If you already have a camcorder with Nightshot and are interested in experimenting with the X-Ray effect, the least expensive method is by purchasing a this infrared filter and trying it.

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