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Our PT IndoGlobal NATURAL SELF is one of the company exports coffee beans in the Indonesian region that displays a rich tradition of coffee growing and has become a cultural society for a long time, and uphold the long-term relationship with farmers reliable.
Supported by several hundred workers, PT IndoGlobal NATURAL SELF perform the processing of coffee beans to be exported world wide with the best process. As a successful exporter, we build 2, 621 acres of coffee plantation in South Sumatra, Lampung, Jambi and Bengkulu. plantation is now known as the partner of smallholders. In addition, outside of our modern processing plant, we employ an advanced logistics and transportation infrastructure to excel in handling and delivery of coffee. Good relationships with stakeholders should strive to develop our business.
Now we do the upstream and downstream in the coffee industry, diversification of our business across the value chain of the coffee industry, from farm to retail and from the coffee machine to the coffee shop. Here we are really pushing forward to excel as a source of superior and best coffee in Indonesia.
Indonesia is able to produce at least 748 thousand tons or 6, 6% of the coffee production duniapada 2014. Of these, robusta coffee production reached more than 601 thousand tons ( 80, 4% ) and arabica coffee production reached more than 147 thousand tons ( 19 , 6% ) .Luas coffee plantation in Indonesia reaches 1, 3 million hectares ( ha) with robusta coffee plantation area reaches 1 million ha and arabica coffee plantation area reaches 0, 30 ha, PT IndoGlobal NATURAL SELF become one of the suppliers of the total coffee production above.

Currently, the coffee processing industry is one of the priority industries are constantly being developed. To support these efforts, the Ministry of Industry has developed Map Guide ( Roadmap) Coffee Processing Industry Cluster Development. " The development of the coffee processing industry in the country has a very good prospect, given the Indonesian community coffee consumption on average only reached 1, 2 kg per capita / year compared with the coffee importing countries such as the USA 4, 3 kg, Japan 3, 4 kg , Austria 7, 6 kg, Belgium 8, 0 kg, Norway 10, 6 Kg and Finland 11, 4 kg per capita / year, " said Minister of Industry.

Coffee crop productivity in Indonesia reached 700 kg of beans / ha / year for Robusta coffee beans and 800 kg / ha / year for Arabica. While the productivity of neighboring countries such as Vietnam has reached more than 1, 500 kg / ha / year. In addition, Indonesia also has various types of specialty coffee in the world known as Gayo Coffee, Coffee Mandailaing, Lampung, Pagaralam Coffee, Coffee, Java Coffee, Coffee Kintamani, Toraja Coffee, Bajawa Coffee, Coffee Wamena and also Luwak Coffee with flavor and distinctive aroma appropriate geographical indications that are the hallmark of Indonesia.

Exports of processed coffee products dominated instant coffee products, extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee spread to the export destination countries such as Egypt, South Africa, Taiwan and ASEAN countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore.

In contrast to the increased exports, imports of processed coffee products dropped very significantly. Imports of processed coffee that reached more than USD 78 million in 2011 down to $ 63, 2 million in 2012, down 19, 01% . Experienced the largest import and instant coffee products allegedly imported instant coffee is a quality product that rendah.Untuk, Ministry of Industry is conducting revision of Indonesian National Standard ( SNI) Instant Coffee which will further enforced mandatory.

The event, which was organized in cooperation with the Directorate General of Agriculture and the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters ( GAEKI) , the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters and Industry ( AICE) , Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia ( SCAI) , and the Coffee and Cocoa Research Center ( Puslitkoka) Indonesia.
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