Registration Date: Aug. 29, 2012, Last Updated: Apr. 12, 2014
Business Nature: Trade of Construction & Real Estate category
Company Brief
PT. Golden Prima Sejahtera is an established company that specialized in providing and distributing Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing materials with a distinct vision for the perfection of quality and safety.
Currently, we are a main distributor of Georg Fischer Piping Systems in Indonesia.
Some people know Georg Fischer product with the name " + GF+ " .
Georg Fischer is a brand with more than 200 years of proven records since 1802, a brand with presence in more than 30 countries, 130 companies. No compromise on quality, service and support and provide a One-Stop Solution and Technical Know-How
One of our best selling products are Georg Fischer PP-R
Georg Fischer PP-R Aquasystems is a full plastic system which complies the requirements of building technology. The product range gives the right solution for each application; pipes for hot water ( PN20) and cold water ( PN10) as well as socket fusion fittings and a wide selection of metal transition fittings.
As a full plastic system Aquasystem is totally corrosion free, reduce noise transmission throurh pipes and save energy due to low thermal losses.
The outstanding properties of PP-R and the superior + GF+ product quality make Aquasystem a practically maintanance free and extremely durable system