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Fumei Bio-Technology Co, Ltd

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Fumei Bio-Technology Co, Ltd
Company Profile
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Name:Ms. Sandy Zhang [Sales]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: fumeibee@hotmail.om fumeibee@hotmail.om
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Ms. Sandy Zhang at Zhengzhou
Phone Number:Phone number of Ms. Sandy Zhang at Zhengzhou
Fax Number:Fax number of Ms. Sandy Zhang at Zhengzhou
Address:RM1308, Shengrunbaigong building, Jinshui street, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Zhengzhou 450000, Henan
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jan. 10, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Food & Beverage category

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Company Brief

The founder of Fumei Bee Products Co., Ltd. began to source the beeswax in remote regions all around China, and sold them to trade companies in the 1980s. As the business continues to grow, Henan Fumei Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. ( formally known as Fumei Bee Products Co., Ltd.) was officially established in 1989 as the earliest beeswax manufacturer in China, and our founder continued to invest in introducing the equipment and building a 30, 000-square-meter factory in Changge City, which is the biggest beeswax hub in China. The Investment in equipment and factory ensures the standard quality of beeswax. Our company is also dedicated to investing in the research of beeswax, with the capacity of developing specific beeswax. As the company continues to invest in time, energy and efforts, our company has an annual production capability of 800 tons of beeswax, and exports 700 tons of beeswax annually. Henan Fumei Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. is rewarded as A credit bee product making company.
Today, we are still Chinese beeswax leading company, and about 19% of beeswax products are made by us in China. We will substantially invest in our equipment, factory and research to ensure the standard quality of beeswax.

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