Registration Date: May. 24, 2023, Last Updated: Jan. 26, 2012
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade of Apparel & Fashion category
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade of Apparel & Fashion category
Company Brief
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.Shop online dzafeera [ dot] com is an online store specialized product designers work DZAFEERA dzafeera iin the Always Different, Always and Always Modist Up2date. Initially, the product - product DZAFEERA only marketed door to door, to meet the demand of pilgrims during informal gatherings in our neighborhood alone.
But Alhamdulillah ... all praise belongs to Allah only, over time, DZAFEERA products began to be known and in demand by customer-costumerkami from outside the Islamic Village complex. For ease of ordering for the costumer who live outside the city, we' d release an online store specialized in selling products and DZAFEERA in on 18 Muharam 1430H ( January 8, 2009) ago.
Praise is also, in a relatively short period of time, these products have penetrated the entire dzafeera Indonesia starting from the provincial capital, the capital district, also to small towns such as Sabang, Beureun, Meulaboh, Nias, Lubuk Pakam, Tabalong, Bontang, Cape Redeb, Nunukan, Mamuju, Maumere, Mempawah, Tanahlaut, Tomohon, Banggai Luwuk, P. Selayar, Manokwari, Sorong, Biak, Wamena, Timika to Merauke.
Also all over the world, ranging from provincial cities in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Qatar, Cairo, Dubai, Jeddah, Riyadh, Sweden, Norway, Britain, Canada, until the United States. God willing, we will continue to develop innovations and new design creations that can be accepted by all Muslim women around the world. Amen Yes Robbal ' Alamin.
To maintain product quality and orisinilitas dzafeera, currently we only limit the number of copies of products, a maximum of 100 pcs each model Carhartt t-shirts, and a maximum of 40 pcs each model Carhartt party. Products that are Sold Out, our production will not come back. But we will substitute with the latest design models. Insha Allah, once every two weeks we made additional design current models.
Hopefully with our presence in the realm of Muslim clothing, we would expect, our customer can always look Modis, Anggun, Up2date and Confidence in hijab daily. Hopefully we can always present the best innovation of our work to enhance the love and pride for the Muslim hijab for our costumer.
We serve also ordering the design and manufacture luxury bridal fashion, fashionable, but syar' i, wedding dress uniforms, dress uniforms pilgrimage with silk satin, silk, taffeta, chiffon, batik, cotton or other appropriate order. Prices are adjusted for the robe of unity that will be produced.
Happy shopping, I hope our relationship is maintained.
Wassalamu' alaikum Wr. Wb.
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