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PT. Indosukses Futures is one of the companies engaged in the field of financial management services ( Financial Investment) , established under the Deed of Company Limited " PT. Indosukses Futures' permission Jakarta Futures Exchange ( BBJ) and the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency ( BAPPEBTI) , which has received endorsement Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia.

PT through the Decision of the Chairman Indosukses Futures Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency ( BAPPEBTI) No: 69/ BAPPEBTI/ SI/ XII/ 2000 and has gained approval letter exchange members ( SPAB) No.: SPAB-032/ BBJ/ 10/ 00. In addition, PT Indosukses Futures also has obtained permission from PT. Indonesian Derivatives Clearing House ( LIMITED) and has been approved as an Alternative Trading System Participants ( SPA) .

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