Business Nature : Service of Business Services category
Company Brief
We are a company engaged in the field of Event Organizer ( EO ) who has worked for 11 years , established since March 4, 2002.
 There have been many events that we have done well Gathering , Wedding , Launching , Advertasing ( Handling and installation of banners , banners , billboards , billboards ) , Exhibition , 3D & Graphic Design , General Contractor , Photography & Videography , Artist Management etc. .
 Event that we do include local and national scale . Both the city of Jakarta , Surabaya , Bandung , Yogyakarta , Semarang , Medan , Makassar , Manado , Banjarmasin etc. .
 Our many years in collaboration with local and national tv tv as implementing partners for any events off air or on water .
 We also rent all the equipment needs of the event such as : Lighting , DVS , Tents , ridging , Barigade , Stage , AC , Genset , Table, Chair , Multimedia , Projector , LCD , LED , HT etc. .
 We are ready to help fulfill all the wishes and needs that you want with various events planned .
 At any time you can contact us any time and we can gladly help you become a partner and managing the event to be held . Ranging from planning to implementation , because we were the solution and a partner of any event you want.