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CapeCost Gold Mining Comapny

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CapeCost Gold Mining Comapny
CapeCost Gold Mining Comapny
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Stanley Nana [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: netdognd 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Stanley Nana at Kumasi
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Stanley Nana at Kumasi
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Stanley Nana at Kumasi
Address:Plot 1, kumasi, Batema Road
Kumasi 23300, Kumasi
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Mar. 18, 2010
Business Nature:Trade of Business Services category

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Company Brief

we represent a large number of local artisan miners, we are prepared to provide quantities of up to 400 kilograms of 22.karat alluvial gold monthly.
Following is information concerning our product:

Quantity: 400 kilograms available monthly
Quality: 22. karat alluvial Au
Origin: Ghana, West Africa
Price: $ 6, 500 per kilogram
Assay reports provided by SGS Laboratories, Accra,

Our firm is in possession of the Gold Export Certificate issued by the Government of the Republic of Ghana necessary to export gold from Ghana, thus we can provide service to any part of the world.
We are prepared to offer the quantity of gold required to the Buyer [ or their representative] upon their arrival here in Accra. After the Buyer has confirmed the quantity and the quality of the gold with their refinery, and is satisfied, only then will we accept payment, by bank transfer, from the Buyer to us. Further, we currently seek outside-based serious investors on a partnership basis in order to increase our production capacity. If you are interested in this proposal, or have any further questions, kindly contact me at the numbers listed above.Looking forward to doing business with you.

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