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CareMed Urgent Care, LLC

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CareMed Urgent Care,  LLC
CareMed Urgent Care, LLC
United States
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Brianna Samuel
E-mail:Send Message
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Brianna Samuel at Fairfax
Address:Fairfax, Virginia
United States
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Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:May. 23, 2015
Business Nature:Service of Health & Beauty category

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Company Brief

CareMed Urgent & Primary Care is a state-of-the-art urgent and primary care medical facility providing timely and cost-effective walk-in medical services to the people of Fairfax, VA, and the greater Washington, DC area. We are a team of trained medical professionals with expertise in family medicine, committed to provide you and your family acute, ambulatory medical care for urgent and non-life threatening illnesses and injuries. No appointment is needed to avail our walk-in urgent care medical services which include thorough assessment and treatment of adults and children with non-life threatening illnesses and injuries such as Cold and Flu, Cough, Sore throat. CareMed also offers non-urgent primary health care services for patients in need of physicals ( including school, camp, and sports physicals) , immunizations and vaccinations, general exams ( including gynecologic exams) and checkups. For patients who are in need of additional follow-up, we here at CareMed collaborate with a broad network of area physicians, physical therapists, and other specialists to ensure an integrated approach to maintaining our patientsâ € ™ overall health and well-being. We also provide occupational health services for local employers and offices. On-site lab and X-ray facilities are the additional benefits we provide to our patients. For more on CareMedâ € ™ s walk-in urgent and primary care medical services, visit http: / / www.caremedurgentcare.com/ and http: / / www.caremedurgentcare.com/ our-services/ .

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