Registration Date: May. 24, 2023Last Updated: Oct. 12, 2011
Business Nature: Service of Business Services category
Company Brief
Fumigation Services Standar AQIS/ IAQA & ISPM # 15 MB ( Marking/ Stamp Packaging) , Pest, Termite Control, Contraktor and General Trade.
Jl. Cikijang No. 29 RT. 08 RW. 11, Koja 14220 - Jakarta Utara.
Telepon. ( 021) 45773648, 43900933 Fax. ( 021) 43900933
E-mail : trianabhakti_jkt@
Fumigation is an activity that aims to kill pests and insects ( pest organisms and commodities) by using chemical CH3Br / Ph3 or called fumigant. Fumigant is a chemical compound at a particular temperature and pressure of a gas well in appropriate concentrations, can kill insect pests through the respiratory system.
Nature of Fumigation:
1. Have the power to kill a high and fast.
2. Can kill all stages of development of pests and all types of pests.
3. Does not leave residue.
4. Can be done in circumstances different temperatures.
5. Is one of the other way when other treatment methods are not effectively used.
6. Requires handling of more serious given the high fumigant killing power.
7. Requires a special place in its activities.
Treatment procedure of Reference document:
International Standard / AQIS and Standart Barantan / IAQA
Aspects of Fumigation:
1. Undersheet fumigation / Tent Fumigation.
2. Space Fumigation ( fumigation room) .
3. Container Fumigation.
4. Fumigant materials: methyl bromide ( CH3Br) , aluminum and magnesium Phosphine phospide / phostoxin ( PH3) .
Target Fumigation:
1. Product for Exsport Comodity.
2. Transportation ( Bus, Plane, Ship, Train) .
3. Warehousing; Archives, Library.
4. Food Industry.
Major Products / Services
Seller :
- Fumigation & ISPM #15 MB (Marking) Services
1. Diskripsi Fumigasi
Fumigasi merupakan kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk membunuh hama dan serangga (Organisme pengganggu tanaman dan komoditi) dengan mengunakan seyawa kimia yang disebut Fumigan. Fumigan adalah senyawa kimia yang pada temperatur dan tekanan tertentu berbentuk gas serta dalam konsentrasi yang sesuai, dapat membunuh hama serangga melalui sistem pernafasan.
2. Sifat Fumigasi.
a. Memiliki daya bunuh yang tinggi dan cepat.
b. Dapat membunuh seluruh stadia perkembangan hama dan semua jenis hama.
c. Tidak meninggalkan residu.
d. Dapat dilakukan pada keadaan temperatur yang berbeda-beda.
e. Merupakan salah satu cara lain bila metode treatment lainnya sudah tidak efektif digunakan.
f. Memerlukan penanganan lebih serius mengingat daya bunuh fumigan tinggi.
g. Memerlukan tempat khusus dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya.
3. Acuan prosedur treatment dokumen.
a. Standart Internasional/ AQIS.
b. Standart Barantan.
4. Aspek Fumigasi
b. Undersheet fumigation/ Fumigasi Sungkup.
c. Space Fumigation ( fumigasi ruangan )
d. Container Fumigation ( Fumigasi Container ).
e. Bahan Fumigan: Methyl Bromide ( CH3Br ), Alumunium Phosphine dan magnesium phospide / phostoxin (PH3)
5. Sasaran Fumigasi.
a. Produk Exsport
b. Transportasi ( Bus, Pesawat Terbang, Kapal Laut, Kereta Api ).
c. Pergudangan; Arsip, Perpustakaan.
d. Industri Makanan.