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Name:Mr. ANTO HARTANDRIYA [Marketing]
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. ANTO HARTANDRIYA at TANGERANG
Address:Perum Taman Kutabumi Blok D7 No. 24 Kutabumi Pasar Kemis
TANGERANG 15561, Banten
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Feb. 7, 2012
Business Nature:Trade of Home Supplies category

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Company Brief

We are a manufacturer of foam mattress with the best quality and competitive prices.
Foam that we provide is the best foam, soft and comfortable genuine artificial Inoac with Japanese technology.

1. Who needs CV. Driyas Family foam mattress?
" CV. Driyas Family foam mattress specially designed for those who need good quality and benefits for themselves, rather than financial gain. They are usually the End User such as boarding school, dormitory and hospital."

2. What are the benefits and advantages of the foam mattress CV. Driyas Family
- CV. Driyas Family foam mattresses made of foam / foam best choice;

- Foam CV. Driyas Family taken from a large foam manufacturer in Indonesia;
- Mattresses are not strong deflated within 50-10 years;
- Not a flat in the middle so as not to damage the structure of the spine;
- Cover mattresses made of fine cotton and soft so it does not cause itching.

3. [ IMPORTANT] Will the money be returned only after you see things do not get along?
To avoid the loss of the right prospective buyers to see the goods first before buying in which this can be detrimental to buyers / customers, so we set up procedures for sale and purchase agreement as follows:
a. For potential buyers / customers who use the product positive for CV. Driyas Family who has made payments ( based on agreement by both parties that we refer to as pre-contract agreement) , we will send you a sample piece of foam first ( we need time between 2-4 days up at your place) to be viewed and judged by you regarding the specification that will be purchased.
b. If you feel fit and agree, then we consider this as a sale and purchase agreement has occurred. Then we will send you the real goods in accordance with the order.
c. But if you do not get along with our goods, you have the right to cancel this transaction and you pay the money, which we will return it fully after the cut by a sample shipping cost between Rp. 30 000 s / d Rp. 50 000. And the sale and purchase agreement does not occur / fail.
d. Unless the prospective buyers / customers entrust to us sebenuhnya so no need to send samples to your piece of foam, then we consider this as a sign of agreement from prospective buyers / customers, and automatically place purchase contract. Then we will immediately send the actual items to order.

4. [ IMPORTANT] What if there is rejection of the goods received / damaged?
" When there is rejection of the goods received or damaged, then please return the goods to us and our money will revert some stuff which otherwise reject it."

5. [ IMPORTANT] Do CV. Driyas Family goods warranty?
" We only give an oral warranty ( not replace new item) 50-10 years."

6. [ IMPORTANT] Do no minimum order bookings?
Yes, minimum order:
Jabotabek: 10 pcs
outside Greater Jakarta ( West Java) : 30 pcs
outside of Java: 50 pcs

7. How about the process of providing the goods?
" Orders will be processed after an agreement between CV. Driyas Family and Buyer / Customer has been approved" .

8. How to payment?
" CV. Driyas Family by default uses a system of payment by cash / bank transfers through CIMB NIAGA and confirmation if the money had been transferred."

9. How to contact CV. Driyas Family?
" As part of our seriousness in doing business, we invite you to contact us anytime and anywhere. You can contact us by phone / sms: 085885843395, and email: antohart.hartandriya86@ gmail.com and we will serve you well " .

10. Is CV. Driyas Family have showrooms?
" For a while CV. Driyas Family only be online" .

11. How deliverynya provisions?
" We will be among the goods to you if the order memeuhi minimum order for a fee / postage according to the distance traveled."

12. Is the fulfillment of orders will be in accordance with the deadlines?
" We will be making deliveries on holidays. But if there is mutual agreement, delivery can be done outside of public holidays"

13. What if the order fulfillment is not in accordance with the deadlines?
" To order that we can not meet deadline, we will refund the money that was paid as much as 100% , unless there are other agreements that have been agreed"

14. Is CV. Driyas Family receive the supply of goods in large quantities?
" Yes, CV. Driyas Family received any orders in large numbers"

15. Are the goods CV. Driyas Family is all new?
" Yes, all the items we sell are 100% new stuff"

16. Are there any discounts and special deals for large purchases?
" Yes, CV. Driyas Family will provide special offers and discounts for large purchases, which means supply and discount purchases in large quantities is not equal to the supply and discount purchases in small amounts"

17. Is bidding CV. Driyas Family is true and honest?
" Who are the men must have wished that everything is perfect. But we know that perfection is the Essence and the nature of God' s absolute wa Subhaanahu ta' alaa. Offering us only a limited ability makhluq God in his field, in this case is the field of foam / foam polyurethane "

- Tips choosing a mattress foam -
Before discussing these tips in choosing a foam mattress, we also need to know some of the following:
A. Some people mistake in selecting and assessing foam mattress:
1. Assume that the hard foam is strong and durable foam
2. Judging a good foam is the weight, the heavier the better it will foam
3. Using standard low price, good quality
4. Looking for foam mattress only be seen from the exterior, such as motifs and colors of foam cover
5. Foam poked with a finger
B. In fact:
1. Hard foam that is not necessarily strong and durable
2. Foam is a heavy fine and not necessarily of high quality
3. There is no cheaper price, good quality
4. Foam cover and the color motif is sometimes cheat and do not represent the actual quality
5. Way of poking the foam with your fingers is not the proper way to test the strength of the foam
C. Tips on choosing the right foam mattress:
1. Try bending / folding foam. Whether or not the foam regas
2. Do not Cover / Sarung Kasur
be influenced and believe in offering low prices
3. To check the strength of the foam, put your right hand on one side and left hand on the other side, then press the foam with both hands simultaneously. Its purpose is to determine whether the foam is bouncy / can return back to its original position or not. If bouncy so we can call that a good foam
4. Consider the materials used to cover mattresses, comfortable enough to sleep whether or not
5. Open the cover to see the foam mattress is used, then do step 6
6. See pore density foam, the more meetings are usually the better, if necessary take-density gauges. This was done to determine the density used
7. If the step-step above the quality standards are met, then the seller does not lie in the offer price and product quality
8. Bargaining is a fair price in the sale and purchase contract, but REMEMBER if you have good quality standards are met, DO NOT ever offered and the price is cheap, because it could be a bid accepted by the seller, but seller actually lower the standard of quality goods. Which makes the price-quality foam mattress is expensive, because it' s an expensive price bubbles.

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