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    Teh Daun Jati Cina

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    Weight and body shape problems proved to be a serious problem for many women. Some women are even willing to change their age to get their ideal body.

    Surprising fact was revealed by a study conducted by researchers from the University of the West of England ( UWE) . They conducted a survey of 320 women aged 25 years on average. The women were asked their opinions about the ideal body and how to get it.

    Quoted from Fox News, views of women regarding the ideal body it could endanger their lives. The results mentioned, 16 percent of female survey participants said they were willing to reduce the age of one year after the ideal body shape. While the other 10 percent are willing to reduce the two to five years old.

    Although 79 percent of survey participants have an ideal body weight - even below-average still they do not have the same view. As many as 78 percent of women actually claim to feel less confident with her body.

    What' s worse, 98 percent of respondents claimed to have a bad view of his performance. Not only that, 39 percent of them claim to do plastic surgery if you have enough money.

    The researchers conclude, women bad views about their body shape was a major impact on the way of life. Worse, it is not only experienced by older women, but also young women and adolescents.

    If you do something?

    Now you do not need to risk your life just to get the ideal body weight and body shape that is proportional, we now offer



    Efficacy of teak leaf tea in china is very famous slimming. Simply by drinking tea 2 times a day your weight will go down 2-3 kg in a week! . Thousands of people have proven the efficacy of Tea Leaf Teak China.

    " Incredible, it' s words were spoken after the try for 1 week only" .

    Teak Leaf Tea Savor Chinese:

    Body slimming
    Cleaning dirty blood
    Reducing cholesterol
    Detoxify the body because they contain high antioxidant
    Shrink the stomach
    Laxative fat in the body for people with Obesity
    Also efficacious as a starter metabolism, thus helping the process of secretion / sewage.

    How to eat:

    Take 1 teaspoon Chinese teak leaf and insert it into the glass.

    Pour the hot water.

    Let dissolve a few minutes until you see the color brown.

    Then strain and drink the water ready. Or it could be boiled with 500 ml of water until boiling and the remaining 250ml.

    1x daily consumption during the first week. After one week period of adjustment you can increase the dosage 2x a day.

    To obtain optimal results, reduce fatty foods and exercise.


    Safe because it contains no chemicals.
    Can be consumed by breastfeeding mothers.


    The first 2-3 days will feel heartburn and BAB 3xsehari ( this process is called DETOXINASI process - often depending on whether CHAPTER our diet everyday.)
    The body feels fresh, smooth bowel movements, sweat easily, and a little greasy dirt, decay due to fat in the body.

    Things that need to be considered in the consumption of tea leaf china teak namely:

    If you suffer from digestive problems are advised to consume 2 days once.
    Not recommended teak china tea leaves when it is menstruation, the reason most women have PMS syndrome with abdominal bloating, abdominal muscle feels tight, if you drink tea leaf china teak will add to your discomfort during menstruation.
    If you are new or have never drank tea leaf china teak, then penyeduhannya not too thick. Tea brewed with 400 ml hot water because the fat will usually fade with urine prior to bowel movements. Because the reaction of every person is different, if less able to react to the presentation tea thickened.
    Usually this china teak leaf tea react a minimum of 7 hours, so you should drink before bed at night so that you smoothly CHAPTER morning, and does not interfere with your activities the next day.
    If you experience excessive BAB, you should refrain from or reduce the dose usage.

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