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Name:Ms. Biasiol FRancesca [Marketing]
E-mail:Send Message
Phone Number:Phone number of Ms. Biasiol FRancesca at gorizia
Fax Number:Fax number of Ms. Biasiol FRancesca at gorizia
Address:via montesanto 131/10
gorizia 34170, gorizia
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:May. 11, 2006
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Food & Beverage category

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Company Brief

In the fourteen years Biolab have been in business,
we have played our part in demonstrating that organic
agriculture can represent a model for the sustainable
development of cultivated areas.
Biolab has just one mission: to create organically
certified foods from soybeans but not only, using
accurately selected and controlled raw materials.
Biolab process mainly soybeans, coming from certified organic producers, located for the most
part in the region where we are based, Friuli-Venezia Giulia. This processing is carried out in line
with our production philosophy which recommends a direct rapport between farmers and Biolab,
who are responsible for checking the sowing, growth and harvesting of the crops, as a further
guarantee of the finished product. The gluten used in a number of products comes from wheat
flour. Dry gluten is not added. Organic vegetables used are fresh, seasonal produce.
The organic farming culture at Biolab has been refined and consolidated over the years we have
been in business, creating a wealth of professional skills at all levels and has been nurtured through
continuous training and updating in natural methods. This development is reflected in the renewed
organisation and state-of-the-art facilities we are equipped with, which ensure still safer and more
accurate working procedures and processing, always however with the contribution of and under
the watchful eye of man.
Biolab products undergo impartial microbiological and quality analyses at external laboratories.
QC& I International Service S.a.S. is the international control body for organic production methods of
foodstuffs that certifies Biolabâ € ™ s working methods.
A special function has been set up within the Company to check internal quality standards and
organoleptic and nutritional features of products, from the moment raw materials arrive right through
to packaging.

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