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Al Firdaus Herbal & Madu ( Herbals & Pure Honey) JANGAN BELI SEBELUM CEK HARGA KAMI
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Mr. Tutut Darputro, ST / Abdullah Serui [Owner/Entrepreneur]


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Spirulina is a genus of filamentous cyanobacteria ( commonly called blue-green algae) . Spirulina is the common name given to the variety of blue-green algae Spirulina platenis. The name spirulina is derived from the Latin word for spiral and describes the microalgae' s cell structure of spiralling filaments. Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae found in most lakes and ponds. Spirulina is a photosynthetic, filamentous, spiral-shaped, multicellular and green-blue microalg. The organism thrives in fresh water ponds and lakes that are considerably more alkaline than average. Spirulina is a very rich source of nutrition. This nutrient rich herb is often hailed as a wonder food for many aspects of health and diet.
Beneficial Uses:
Spirulina is said to be an extremely potent and healthy energy booster. Olympic athletes have been known to take Spirulina for endurance, as it reduces the buildup of lactic acid in muscles. The reduction of lactic acid also helps the recovery rate after strenuous exercise. Spirulina is believed to increase physical sharpness, as well as improve mental acuity and clarity.

Spirulina is a powerful tonic for the immune system and is thought to activate the key immune T-cells,
B-cells and anti-cancer Natural Killer cells ( NKs) , as well as macrophages that engulf and kill germs and fight infection and disease. According to a study completed by the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine and published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods, the addition of Spirulina to cultured immune system cells significantly increased the production of infection fighting cytokines. It is also thought to regulate cell and organ function and enable them to function, despite stress and environmental toxins. Some research claims that it may also help the body to generate new blood cells.

Spirulina is considered an excellent antioxidant. The beta-carotene content acts as the antioxidant that is said to reduce the progress of certain malignant growths and neutralize and eliminate free radicals produced by nuclear irradiation. The vitamin E and the superoxide dismutase found in Spirulina are also strong antioxidants that combat ageing and infection.

The high natural beta-carotene content in Spirulina is said to help improve eyesight and avoid night blindness and has an advantage over synthetic beta-carotene and regular vitamin A ( which causes kidney damage in large quantities) in that it will absorb only the amount it needs and excrete the rest.

Spirulina is one of the most nutritional, natural whole foods available and has been used to combat malnutrition in deprived areas, and unlike other algae, it is easily digested. It is also said to aid the absorption of minerals. It is exceptionally high in vegetable protein, which is especially beneficial, as it contains none of the harmful fats or cholesterol found in meat and is one of the few non-meat sources of vitamin B12.

The chlorophyll in Spirulina helps to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system and cleanse the bowel and aid the digestive process. Because Spirulina contains such a high chlorophyll content, it is thought to be effective in counteracting body odor, and the herb also helps to decrease urine and fecal odors due to incontinence.

The non-saturated fatty acid ( gamma linolenic acid) in Spirulina is believed to strengthen cell membranes, thus reducing infection, and the polysaccharides produced by Spirulina have been thought to keep the HIV-1 virus from replicating. It is also said to rid the intestines of Candida albicans infection, which may commonly lead to malnutrition in AIDS patients.

Spirulina is believed to help in weight loss programs by curbing the appetite, and according to a 1986 study, overweight patients showed a significant reduction of body weight after including Blue Green Algae as an appretite suppressant in the diet for four weeks.

Spirulina is also thought to be good for people with hypoglycemia who may benefit from using it between meals, because its high protein content helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Spirulina is said to reduce the LDL ( bad cholesterol) levels in the blood, while increasing the production of HDLs ( good cholesterol) . This activity promotes greater blood circulation and may therefore reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks.

Recent research ( 2009) indicates that the phycocyanin in Spirulina may reduce inflammation and have pain killing effects. In animal models, Spirulina' s phycocyanin reduced levels of inflammatory markers; and chronic inflammation has been linked to a range of conditions linked to heart disease, osteoporosis, Type-2 diabetes, arthritis, cognitive decline and Alzheimer' s. If the positive effects can be repeated in humans, it offers promise for preventing chronic pain and inflammation brought about by an over-expression or lack of control of the normal protective mechanism.

Recommended Dosage:
Take two ( 2) capsules, three ( 3) times each day with water at mealtimes.

Currently, there are no known warnings or contraindications with the use of Spirulina Herbal Supplement; however, you should stop taking it if there is any itching, tightness in your throat or chest pain due to allergy.

Capsule Size:
We use only 100% Gluten-free, Vegetable Cellulose, Certified Kosher, size " 00" capsules for all of our encapsulated products. Each capsule contains approximately 600-700 mgs of powdered herb material.

Ingredients: 100% Spirulina Standardized Extract ( 60% Protein Content) - Our products contain 100% pure plant-based/ natural materials using no fillers, grains, yeast, sugars, binders, excipients, starches, or synthetic materials

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